
The fellows of the craft, also known as journeymen or yeomen, were qualified craftsmen who were entitled to be paid a daily wage. When opportunity arose they could be Master of a work site employing fellowcraft and instructing apprentices.

The square teaches morality, the level equality and the plumb rule uprightness of life and action. By square conduct, level steps and upright intentions the fellowcraft will establish his right to reward for his labour. It is a matter of honour among freemasons that they merit esteem by their behaviour and achievements rather than membership of an organisation.

In order to discover the hidden mysteries of nature and science, the fellowcraft is encouraged to study the seven liberal arts and sciences; grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy. The second degree also invites reflection on the constructive and destructive potential of emotional energy. Our personal happiness and the stability of society depend on the balanced use of intellect and motivation to the glory of God and for the welfare of humanity.

Some of the material from the original fellowcraft degree was used when the third degree was created during the Eighteenth century.

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