happy is the man

These words are a recurring theme throughout the Bible.

Happiness is the result of a living an upright life and actly fairly towards all people. To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God is the message of the Law and the Prophets. This approach to life is also encouraged by Christianity and every other religion. These principles are so widely held that the whole of creation seems to demonstrate their truth.

Freemasons describe this attitude as, being happy and communicating happiness.

The mystery of freemasonry is the mastery of these universal principles. The development of character and integrity can be compared to the construction of a building. The materials of this stucture are not stone, brass and wood but the our body, mind and soul. In this sense we all begin as apprentices, progress to fellowcraft and in time become the master masons of our own life. Our thoughts, actions and emotions are the dynamic forces to be instructed and employed, to the Glory of God and advantage to ourselves, our family and our community.

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